![]() Common Market Protocol" (Natujwa Umbertina Mvungi), [1. Auflage 2011, 220 S.] | |
Contents: Inhalt.pdf [18 kB], Preface [24 kB], Infoblatt.pdf [63 kB] | |
This book makes a comparative analysis of the European
and the East African Economic Communities.
The Author points out that up to this moment the East
African Community has not reached the technological
and institutional competence of the EU. She discusses
the developments leading to the re-established East
African Community from the time it collapsed in 1977
to date. It is a scholarly treatment of the different
Articles of the East African Common Market Protocol
that focuses on their effectiveness, short comings and
successes. The Author suggests the way forward for
the emerging East African Common Market in the
context of African and trade imperatives. |
![]() Format: 21,0 x 14,8 cm kartoniert und kaschiert ISBN: 978-3-934235-82-3 42,95 EUR |
Zur Autorin: Natujwa Mvungi, geb.1982, studierte in der Zeit von 2002 bis 2006 Rechtswissenschaften an der University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Von Oktober 2006 bis Juli 2007 absolvierte sie ihren LL.M. an der Universität Hamburg. Anschließend promovierte sie von 2007 bis 2010 an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz. Seit Dezember 2010 arbeitet sie als Dozentin an der University of Bagamoyo in Tanzania. | |
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